Lifetube for brands

We create effective influencer marketing campaigns that bring results. We work with proven and reliable creators who will help your brand generate profits as well as build recognition in the market.

Dlaczego Lifetube?

Pomożemy Ci osiągnąć cele biznesowe Twojej marki.

Współpraca z największymi influencerami

Współpracujemy ze sprawdzonymi, zweryfikowanymi twórcami o dobrej reputacji i wiarygodnych zasięgach. W naszej bazie posiadamy ponad 1500 twórców, a ponad 120 z nich współpracuje z nami na wyłączność.

Kampanie nastawione na efekty

Podchodzimy indywidualnie do potrzeb każdego klienta. Skupiamy się na maksymalizacji korzyści z kampanii influencer marketingowych. Pomagamy realizować cele biznesowe i osiągać satysfakcjonujące wyniki.

Kompleksowa obsługa

Dzięki naszemu działowi Creative Lab tworzymy od podstaw nawet najbardziej skomplikowane i rozbudowane kampanie. Gwarantujemy szybki i sprawny proces współpracy – od tworzenia briefu po raport końcowy.

Why should you cooperate with us?

We offer a comprehensive service in the field of influencer marketing. We handle everything from creating a creative concept and strategy to selecting creators for collaboration, implementation, measuring effectiveness and reporting. We support our customers at every stage of implementation and advise the best solutions for a given business.
We have the most experience in the market. Annually we carry out about 2500 collaborations on the line
brand-influencer for more than 600 clients. We design campaigns tailored to the needs and budget of our clients — from one-off product placements to multi-platform campaigns involving multiple creators at the same time.
We work with the best influencers in Poland. We verify and verify the credibility of each creator we recommend for cooperation. Thanks to a wide base of contacts, we are able to perfectly match the influencer to a given product or service.
We build strategies based on unique data. We have proprietary tools that allow us to verify the market and create campaigns that interest viewers and generate large reach.

They trusted us

These are just a few of the hundreds of companies that have decided to work with us.


Our campaigns have been recognized more than once with awards and distinctions in industry competitions.


Frequently Asked Questions.

The right choice of creator for the campaign is one of the key conditions for the success of the project. It is not only the obvious indicators that are important, such as the popularity of the influencer or the number of followers or the engagement of their community. We should also pay attention to aspects such as the adaptation of the creator to a given brand (both at the level of thematic category, as well as disposition or image) or even potential collaborations with competing brands in the recent past. A specialized agency will help to check all these parameters when selecting influencers for the campaign.

Every project is different. Give us a call or write and let's talk. We will start by defining your needs together, ask you about your budget and tailor a tailor-made solution. And once you decide to cooperate with us, we will assign you a dedicated caregiver who will guide you by the hand throughout the process — from the preparation of the strategy and creative idea, through the selection of creators and handling the formalities, to the publication and preparation of the final report presenting the results.

Web developers operate in an increasing number of industries and niches. We have come to a point where it is actually difficult to find a category in which influencer marketing does not work. Yes, some categories such as beauty, automotive, DYI, finance, lifestyle or gaming are more represented than others. However, in almost every area where opinion leaders have a community of followers around them, there is an opportunity to promote brands. Agricultural influencers? They are. Creators-linguists? Here you go. However, it should be remembered that both the advertised product and its communication are tailored to the audience of the channel, and the entire message is authentic.

There is no unequivocal answer to this question. It all depends on the expected effects, coverage, type of benefits or thematic category. We try to reverse this mindset and tailor the offer to the specific brief and budget available to the client. However, it should be borne in mind that influencers are professional creators who charge adequate remuneration for the effects offered. While influencer marketing is still a channel where we are able to use the budget much more efficiently than, for example, on television, we should definitely not think of it as a cheap medium.

Every campaign is different (trust us — we completed 2,300 last year;)), just like the needs of our customers. Therefore, we try to approach each project individually. However, there is one element that unites them all — a good and complete brief! If at the very beginning we receive all the information from the client, knowing his needs or the effect he wants to achieve, then we are already half the success.

We deal with every element that is in any way related to influencer marketing, and above all: we carry out marketing campaigns on the largest social platforms, represent top web creators, prepare creative concepts and creations, build communities on our clients' channels and create valuable content together with influencers.

Influencer marketing allows you to reach customers in a faster and more authentic way than classic advertising. One of the biggest advantages is to reach a specific target audience directly. The community that creators build and that surrounds them is usually made up of people with the same interests and passions, so we can easily reach people who will be interested in it with our message.

Influencer marketing as a communication channel belongs to the digital world, so it has all the “digital” advantages over ATL communication.

These include, for example, measurability or the ability to quickly draw conclusions from effects and optimization. However, cooperation with influencers also has advantages over other forms of communication in digital - among other things, due to the fact of working with creators who ensure authenticity and individual approach to their audience, and above all enjoy the trust of their communities. Our data shows that influencer campaigns deliver up to 6x better results than other digital activities with 3.5x less spend.

All you have to do is contact us at and tell us what your needs are. We'll take care of the rest:)

Do you want to cooperate with us?

Write to us. Let's create a unique and effective campaign together!