Sebastian Machalski



Audience Demographics

Females: 66%

Males: 34%

Age: 18-24 (41%)


YT Subscribers: 173000

Followers on Instagram: 104000

Average video views: 116000

Sebastian Machalski — Polish dubbing actor, singer, songwriter and follower of Freddie Mercury.

Sebastian is a musical soul, loves working with his voice and uses it in every possible way. He has been involved in dubbing acting for years, thanks to which he has already had the opportunity to voice the most popular animated productions such as “Frozen”, “Star Wars”, “Captain Marvel” and many others.

On the internet by contrast, he is famous for creating short funny parodies to music's biggest hits. He himself arranges clips for them and writes texts with which many of us identify, thanks to which he has already gained such a large audience, among others on TikTok.

Sebastian was also a participant in the 5th edition of the popular TV show “The Voice Of Poland”, in which he presented his vocal talent.

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