O Matko I Córko!!!



Audience Demographics

Females: 84%

Males: 16%

Age: 18-24: (40%)


YT Subscribers: 691000

Followers on Instagram: 392000

Average video views: 20000

Kasia and Paulina are masters of vlogs — videos from their lives are very popular. A smile, great family relationships and lots of laughter are their hallmarks.

Nearly 700,000 subscribers love their challenge, shopping hails, lookbooks and, of course, vlogs. The girls are incredibly natural, which is why viewers treat Paulina as a colleague and trendsetter, and Kasia ask for advice on relationships with parents and acquaintances.

O mother and daughter goes to young viewers, but not only - their films are great entertainment for both children and adults. Mom and daughter show that in a duo there is strength, and that sincerity and naturalness are qualities that are important in today's world. Thanks to their hard work, the girls released a book, repeatedly appeared on television and realized dozens of campaigns for brands from every industry.

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