


Audience Demographics

Females: 94%

Males: 6%

Age: 25-34 (60%)


YT Subscribers: 54500

Followers on Instagram: 24500

Average video views: 10000

GlammyFreak is an extraordinary lifestyle channel where every woman will find something for herself. Natalia by education is a cosmetologist, and privately - a happy wife and a young mother full of energy.

On her channel you will find content in the field of beauty, travel, as well as fashionable looks. However, what sets GlammyFreak apart is the courage to bring up sensitive topics such as pregnancy and motherhood. Since Natalia became a mom, she has boldly resorted to the format of daily vlogs to show how she manages to organize her life while maintaining a balance between caring for her child and pursuing her passions.

Natalia is not just an influencer - she is a friend, whom viewers value above all for her sincerity and openness. Her opinions are always authentic, which attracts and inspires others. GlammyFreak is not just a channel, it is a message that it is worth living beautifully and celebrating every moment.

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