Rynn Rysuje


Culture and reviews

Audience Demographics

Females: 75%

Males: 25%

Age: 25-34 (85%)


YT Subscribers: 2030

Followers on Instagram: 29200

Average video views: 1500

Rynn Rysuje shares illustrations of funny (or painfully real) situations from everyday life.

Rynn Rysuje collects in her drawings observations from life, commenting on the most different situations that surround us all. The creator in her struggle is accompanied by a cat Agrafka, a dog, a grain snake and an aquarium with shrimp. Her drawings are filled with humor and an interesting approach to life.

Rynn's illustrations first began appearing online as part of a food blog. Culinary is still her passion. In addition, he is interested in comics, movies and computer games.

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