Italian Taste



Audience Demographics

Females: 86.5%

Males: 13.5%

Age: 45+ (61.5%)


YT Subscribers: 51800

Followers on Instagram: 11100

Average video views: 14800

Italian Taste is a Polish blogger and youtuber.

Beata is a friendly and cheerful creator. She actively works on Instagram, blog, and also runs a channel on YouTube, where she shares lifestyle content with viewers. She lives in Italy every day, so lovers of sunny Italy will surely love her profile, where she willingly posts curiosities related to this country, photos of breathtaking views and, above all, shows what everyday life is like in this place.

There will also be a culinary theme, as Italian cuisine certainly deserves a lot of attention. Beata is interested in fashion and beauty, and on her social media she often posts beauty tutorials, beauty recommendations or ideas for fashionable looks. In her free time, she loves to take care of plants, because it is in them that she found her next passion.

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