Cyber Marian



Audience Demographics

Women: 30%

Males: 70%

Age: 25-34 (32%)


YT Subscribers: 1360000

Followers on Instagram: 162000

Average video views: 114325

Okay, with the prefix -cyber we often deal with. On the one hand, we have cybersecurity and cyberviolence — on the other, Cyberpunk and... Cyber Mariana.

A living legend on Polish YouTube. Known for masterful realizations and a specific sense of humor. Cyber Marian is an extraordinary character, and his creativity knows no bounds. From start to finish, he will create a music video, an advertising spot or a movie trailer. And all this is embellished, of course, with a unique sense of humor.

He is the author of the TV shows MegaMix and Muzowkrzyt on and Spikani on, as well as the winner of numerous industry awards: EFFIE Awards, 6 x MIXX Awards, Golden Arrow, Grand Video Awards (personality of the year).

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