


Audience Demographics

Females: 90.4%

Males: 9.6%

Age: 25-34 years (40.9%)


YT Subscribers: 221,000

Followers on Instagram: 194,462

Lamakeupebella is a real diamond among lifestyle channels in Poland.

She is a master of assembly, she can show everything in a beautiful and aesthetic way for the eye. The main recipient of her channel is an adult woman, looking for reliable reviews and inspiration in various aspects - styling, makeup, everyday life. Zuzia very often emphasizes that she does not like to wrap herself in cotton, thanks to which she has earned the title of a reliable reviewer and enjoys great trust among her viewers. Each of her material is met with great commitment from followers and subscribers. In her videos, which are refined and embellished with beautiful shots, we will find vlogs from everyday life, lots of tricks in the context of cooking, vicissitudes related to raising a child and mini reviews of makeup or cosmetic products. The format “Makeup News” was very popular at the time, in which Zuzia presented all the news from the world of beauty.

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