Four parallel influencer campaigns of Bielenda Professional
Bielenda Professional Multiplatform Campaigns

Bielenda Professional is a high-quality professional cosmetic product, manufactured in Poland. They allow for comprehensive skin care. Cosmetics for many years won the recognition of cosmetologists and dominated mainly in beauty salons. For several years now, professional home care products have been available on the market, they can be purchased at the best online drugstores. The brand decided to promote as many as 4 different products simultaneously in cooperation with the Lifetube brand. The campaigns were distinguished by their multiplatform — services were carried out on 3 different platforms simultaneously (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok). A total of 12 creators were involved, who are followed by hundreds of thousands of viewers.
The aim of the campaign was to acquaint viewers with the novelties of the Bielenda Professional brand. More than a dozen products were promoted, including 5% Tetra-Vit C oil serum from the Supremelab Energy Boost series, Christmas kits and novelties from the men's cosmetic line. The materials created by the influencers were intended to encourage viewers to familiarize themselves with and test the novelties of the brand. To increase reach and reach, the services were cross-platform and developers promoted products on several platforms at once.
The campaign was carried out on three platforms: YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. The main premise was to present the novelties and better familiarize the viewers with them. Twelve creators were involved in the promotion. The form of materials was matched to the promoted product.
Christmas sets — Bielenda Professional prepared 5 sets with products from the SupremeLab series, which customers liked the most. The kits were widely available, both in the brand's online store and in many online drugstores: Cocolita, EkoBieca, MintiShop,, ezebra, on Allegro in the Brand Zone and in cosmetic wholesalers. Adrianna Grotkowska, MsDoncellita, Lamakeupebella and Love and Great Shoes participated in the advertising of sets perfect for a Christmas gift. Most of the creators prepared a presentation in which they also placed products of the Bielenda Professional brand. Such placement made recipients more willing to buy brand cosmetics as part of a Christmas gift.
New and complementary to the Energy Boost SupremeLab line — this line is recognized by customers as one of their favorites. Their popularity was so great that the brand decided to expand it with two products: an exfoliating mask and an oil serum with 5% tetra Vit-C. Creators who are known for their interest in beauty were involved in the campaign. The novelties were tested by: Veronika Jaguś, Lamakeupebella, Zmalowana and Miss Joanna. The creators included product placement in their YouTube videos, and also shared sponsored posts and Instagram stories.
New products to complement the Sebio Derm SupremeLab line — the professional Sebio Derm line is designed for both young and mature skin. It is known for its rich composition. In addition to ingredients that regulate sebum secretion, moisturize and help fight imperfections, it also helps fight wrinkles. The novelties of the line, i.e. night serum and tonic, were tested for the audience by: PinkVixen, Magda Wołosewicz, the duo Love And Great Shoes, Paulina Błędowska, MsDoncellita and Adrianna Grotkowska. The creators presented the audience with new products, and also discussed the advantages of the Sebio Derm SupremeLab line.
6 new products for men — two influencers who like to take care of their appearance took part in the campaign to promote the Bielenda Professional novelties, which were available in Rossmann stores and the official Bielenda Professional store. The brand's novelties were tested by Krzysztof Golonka, better known as Train with Krzych, as well as Arsen Śliwiński. As part of the collaboration, they created sponsored posts on Instagram.
Christmas sets:
more than 160,000 total views
more than 7,200 feet up
Nearly 3,000 comments
Energy Boost SupremeLab
415K total views
almost 20,000 likes on Instagram
Derm SupremeLab Sebum
almost 400 thousand total views
almost 25,000 feet up and likes
Products for men
More than 6,500 likes on Instagram
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