Julia Machunik



Audience Demographics

Females: 93%

Males: 7%

Age: 18-24 (69%)


YT Subscribers: 196000

Followers on Instagram: 130000

Average video views: 44625

Julia Machunik is an energetic girl who conquers the hearts of more and more viewers, and her channel has a lifestyle character.

On her social media there will be a lot of humor, warmth and unusual challenges. We cannot forget the lookbooks, favorite recipes, self-care rituals, as well as daily chores that we find on her channel. Julia willingly talks about self-acceptance, and she speaks to her viewers as if to close acquaintances, which will unite a large circle of devoted audience.

Julia has a very engaged audience that is happy to take advantage of her commands. Her audience is mainly girls entering adulthood who are inspired by Julka's independence and her positive attitude towards life.

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