Zuzanna Borucka



Audience Demographics

Females: 93.7%

Males: 6.2%

Age: 18-24 years (46.3%)


YT Subscribers: 1 070 000

Followers on Instagram: 781,000

Facebook fans: 447,000

Average video views: 62,800

Zuzanna Borucka is a famous and colorful character of Polish Youtube. More than a dozen times she experienced diametric changes of image and style, however, all this is united by high sensitivity and originality.

Zuza bets on her unique aesthetics and unusual perception of the world, she is also the mother of little Kazia. Her channel follows more than a million viewers, actively tuning in and commenting on the published content. On a daily basis, Zuza mainly deals with lifestyle, parenting and beauty topics. He publishes vlogs, videos with a social theme, which he mixes with lighter content of a purely entertaining nature.

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