Weronika i Patryk



Audience Demographics

Females: 71.7%

Males: 28.3%

Age: 18—24 years (53.1%)


YT Subscribers: 51,100

Followers on Instagram: Veronica: 168 506 Patrick: 171 568

Average video views: 59,500

Veronica and Patrick. These two can definitely be called Power Couple (although they themselves prefer the term Comfort Couple).

Weronika Jaguś is a well-known and popular beauty influencer. Patrick, is a creator who works not only on YouTube, but also creates videos on TikTok that can amuse viewers to tears. Together they decided to start a channel on YT that touches on the subject of relationships and breaks taboos. In their videos, they share their stories and experience of life as a couple.

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