


Audience Demographics

Females: 85%

Men: 15%

Age: 25-44 years (71%)


YT Subscribers: 94300

Followers on Instagram: 61400

Average video views: 17000

VlogLola is passionate about fashion, conscious care, travel and positive psychology. Motivator, trainer, volcano of energy.

For more than 10 years, Ola has been sharing knowledge, inspiring women and breaking taboos. After hours, she is a committed mom to her teenage daughter and a trainer.

It teaches women to take care of their mental and physical health. She is authentic and close to her viewers. She loves to cook, explore the world through cuisines and look for shopping opportunities. She does not blindly follow trends and has her own unique, feminine style, with which her viewers identify.

Viewers are looking for fashion advice, store reviews, information about cosmetics and beauty treatments, inspiration for running a home and motivation for change. VlogLola actively promotes the region where she lives (Tricity) and willingly shares reviews of restaurants, beauty salons, hotels and SPA.

Exemplary implementation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g9lBqeBW6Q

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